
Interview: Farmbot

Interview: Farmbot by the Open make team and Rory Aronson. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The Project The Hardware The Research outputs The Participants Banner image: farmbot logo, distributed under a CC-BY-NC. Interviewee: Rory Aronson Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Fabio Reeh, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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Interview: VentMon

Interview: VentMon By the Open make team and Robert Read. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: VentMon logo, distributed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Interviewee: Robert Read Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Fabio Reeh, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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Interview: Plastic scanner

Interview: Plastic scanner by the Open make team, and Jerry de Vos. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: Date: 05/2022 Interviewee: Jerry de Vos (TU Delft) Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Fabio Reh, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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M19 Oxygen Concentrator

Interview: M19 Oxygen Concentrator by the Open make team, Vaibhav Chhabra. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Banner image: maker’s asylum logo Interviewee: Vaibhav Chhabra Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Fabio Reeh, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb Screenshot of the interview.

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Interview: OpenFlexure microscope

Interview: OpenFlexure microsocpe by the Open make team and Julian Stirling. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The hardware The research outputs The participants Interviewee: Julian Stirling Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb Banner image: derived from an icon from the Gathering for Open Hardware Community (CC-BY) and photo from Julian Stirling.

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Interview: White rabbit

Interview: White rabbit by the Open make team, Javier Serrano and Amanda Diez Frenandez. Copyright to the authors, distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. Sections: The project The Hardware The Research outputs The participants Banner image: white rabbit logo, By CERN, distributed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Interviewee: Javier Serrano (CERN) & Amanda Diez Fernandez (CERN) Interviewers: Robert Mies (TU Berlin) & Moritz Maxeiner (FU Berlin) Transcription and editing: Diana Paola Americano Guerrero, Robert Mies, Moritz Maxeiner & Julien Colomb

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